All forms of discrimination against women are the result of the ingrained gender inequality in the mindset of people thus, resulting in a pro male society. Gender-based violence, economic and political discrimination, reproductive health inequities, dowry, sex selection and other harmful traditional practices – remain the most pervasive and persistent form of inequality.
The preamble to the Constitution of India ensures gender equality as a fundamental right and also empowers the state to adopt measures of positive discrimination in the favor of women by legislation and policies. India has also ratified various international conventions and human right forums to secure equal rights for women. But, all provisions have failed to change this pervasive mindset.
This makes the issue of gender equality one of the most attention-demanding area of concern in society. We need to rebuild the social fabric free of anti-women emotion and gender based discrimination with concentrated measures.
Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS) recognizes that the root of this problem is seated in the

DJJS employs both social and spiritual tools to meet these objectives:
Raising consciousness towards righteous thinking and positive actions
Cracking religious and socio-cultural misconceptions against women
Developing unity forums of women
Empowering women ideologically
The organization has initiated various activities that encompass gender issues and makes them a part of the its regular programs.
Spiritual Initiatives
Regular Spiritual Programs
The regular spiritual programs organized on a weekly, fort-nightly and monthly basis by our branches across the globe which are attended by thousands of people. These programs sensitize people on various social issues including gender issues like dowry, violence against women, sex selection etc. People are also made aware of the high status that religious texts offer to women.
Workshops in corporate and government offices, colleges, schools etc.
Festive celebrations and cultural programs
Cultural programs are organized by the organization for all Indian festivals. These events are vital occasions to break cultural and religious myths against women.
Our branches in Punjab exclusively organize the 'Girl Child Lohri' in several villages every year. This festival is usually celebrated with much fanfare if a son was born in the family. However, the celebration of 'Girl Child Lohri' has created an environment of acceptance towards girls in the family and the village community. A strong message is conveyed that religion and culture can play an important role in creating space for the girl child that she deserves in the society.
The Sansthan holds special socio-spiritual-cultural programs on occasions like the International Women's Day, National Girl Child day etc. to communicate strong messages through spiritual sessions, ballets, plays, etc.
A mistaken belief prevails in India that women cannot do 'Vedic Chanting.' At Divya Jyoti Ved Mandir established by Shri Ashutosh Maharaj Ji, today thousands of women across the country chant the Vedic verses, well.
Social Interventions
Establishment of Women Forum - The need to establish this forum was felt when number of cases of family disputes and violence against women were brought to the notice of the organization. This women forum is working in economically backward, oppressed urban and rural areas to provide education, health care and livelihood training to the under privileged women and children.
Internal administrative system promoting women empowerment
The internal system of DJJS in itself is an example of women empowerment. Women preachers head 80% of the branches in the organization. All major activities and programs are headed and executed by women.
DJJS offers a helping hand and is open for partnership in all its initiatives. It is ready to collaborate for bringing about the change in mindset among the masses and evolving a society where women get the status that they deserve.
Road Ahead
DJJS is planning a scripture based research for eliciting the facts that endorse women equality and bringing clarity to those which are misinterpreted.