Consider this. When the glaciers melt, the water level rises, and the population migrates from costs to plains, then population imbalance would lead to the end of the already scarce natural resources. The resources, which are contemporarily taken for granted.
Be it an unnoticeable routine or a commercial requirement, man is incessantly ruining his basis of existence. Result – total environmental disruptions -- climate change, global warming, tsunamis, earthquakes, storms, volcanoes, et al.
Soaring air pollution, dipping water table, growing number of endangered species and depleting natural resources, all have brought life on earth to the brink of complete devastation, say environment experts.
The sharp decline of natural resources today stands as a major road block in both social and economic progress. “The consequences of this environmental degradation are even more pronounced in developing world, where nations are confronted by multiple challenges of poverty alleviation, economic development and environmental conservation,” says one of the popular notifications at the Copenhagen climate summit, 2009.
“Whatsoever may be the environmental anomaly and no matter how varied the evident cause may seem, at the root of all environmental issues lies the unchecked and ignorant human actions. How many times does one realize that water he gets at an easy twist of a tap passes the hydrological cycle and travels a rigorous journey from the glaciers to reach our homes. This evident disconnect, leading to ignorant action and continuous wastage of resources, is the underlying cause of all environmental issues,” believes Aditi Mehandiratta, environmentalist at Sanrakshan, the nature conservation programme of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS).
However, nature has always been the ultimate giver supporting and sustaining lives of all living beings including human beings, but the dynamics of this relationship has witnessed a change. The long- lived human- nature relationship of mutualism has gradually translated into one of extraction.
Acknowledging this fact several initiatives at regional and global level have been conceived time and again to address the prevalent issues and re-establish ecological balance. However, the success rate has not been promising. A key reason of the unexpected results of these initiatives has been the inability to engage the primary unit of all evident issues- the human, an individual.
“Problems are many, evident causes are many, short term solutions can be diverse. But, the lasting change lies within us. The ever-lasting solution is ‘Self Realisation’. As, after all policy makers, criminals, reformers - thrive on same life energy,” proclaims His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj ji, the founder and head of DJJS.
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Be it an unnoticeable routine or a commercial requirement, man is incessantly ruining his basis of existence. Result – total environmental disruptions -- climate change, global warming, tsunamis, earthquakes, storms, volcanoes, et al.
Soaring air pollution, dipping water table, growing number of endangered species and depleting natural resources, all have brought life on earth to the brink of complete devastation, say environment experts.
The sharp decline of natural resources today stands as a major road block in both social and economic progress. “The consequences of this environmental degradation are even more pronounced in developing world, where nations are confronted by multiple challenges of poverty alleviation, economic development and environmental conservation,” says one of the popular notifications at the Copenhagen climate summit, 2009.
“Whatsoever may be the environmental anomaly and no matter how varied the evident cause may seem, at the root of all environmental issues lies the unchecked and ignorant human actions. How many times does one realize that water he gets at an easy twist of a tap passes the hydrological cycle and travels a rigorous journey from the glaciers to reach our homes. This evident disconnect, leading to ignorant action and continuous wastage of resources, is the underlying cause of all environmental issues,” believes Aditi Mehandiratta, environmentalist at Sanrakshan, the nature conservation programme of Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan (DJJS).
However, nature has always been the ultimate giver supporting and sustaining lives of all living beings including human beings, but the dynamics of this relationship has witnessed a change. The long- lived human- nature relationship of mutualism has gradually translated into one of extraction.
Acknowledging this fact several initiatives at regional and global level have been conceived time and again to address the prevalent issues and re-establish ecological balance. However, the success rate has not been promising. A key reason of the unexpected results of these initiatives has been the inability to engage the primary unit of all evident issues- the human, an individual.
“Problems are many, evident causes are many, short term solutions can be diverse. But, the lasting change lies within us. The ever-lasting solution is ‘Self Realisation’. As, after all policy makers, criminals, reformers - thrive on same life energy,” proclaims His Holiness Ashutosh Maharaj ji, the founder and head of DJJS.

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