Drug abuse and alcoholism have been identified as the root causes of a myriad of social woes. It has been estimated that within
At a very young age, the first use and experiments with drugs, has been observed. This increases the danger and risk of addiction among the youth. On the other hand treatment services available are limited and the relapse rate is high. This means, along the side of developing effective treatment therapy for de-addiction, increased emphasis has to be laid on efforts to prevent young people from the first use of drugs.
DJJS under its Drug Abuse Eradication Program (DAEP) has developed the model of 'Dhyan Therapy' which is effective in overcoming the mental obsession on drugs and promotes detoxification. DJJS has also partnered with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Regional Office of South Asia (ROSA) under the project 'Empowering Communities for Prevention of Drugs & HIV in India' (Project G-86). DJJS & UNODC have together worked in schools, colleges, workplaces and communities reaching out across the states of Punjab, Uttarakhand, Karnataka and the National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi.
DAEP is currently working on two priorities:
(a) Promoting 'Dhyan Therapy' for treating drug dependents
(b) Prevention programs to curtail the spread of drug abuse amongst youth.
Dhyan Therapy
Based on spirituality, the organization has developed a model of Dhyan Therapy that creates an internal resistance of an addict against narcotic substances. It helps in detoxification and overcome the mental obsession that an addict has developed towards drugs and/or substance. Mental obsession is the reason behind frequent relapses that an addict faces even after treatment. This therapy also helps elevate an individual's thought process giving him internal realization of his own situation, and empowers a drug user to change his way of life for the better.
The Dhyan Therapy is promoted through all the branches of DJJS across the world. It has successfully treated many people who have been dependent on substances ranging from tobacco to alcohol and harder drugs such as opiates, smack, chemical drugs and IDUs. At present, there are more than 12,000 de-addicted members registered with our organization, and the number is rapidly increasing.
Addiction is a process, not an event. If a person tries a drug once, there are 90% chances that the individual will try it again, and this process leads to addiction. Few are aware that nicotine and alcohol are gateway drugs and that frequent or infrequent habits of intake of these, can lead an individual from using softer drugs to harder drugs. Most people perceive continued consumption of these substances as a bad habit and negate the concept of addiction as a disease.
Under its awareness and prevention program, DJJS is actively motivating youth to stay away from the first trial of drugs. We help youth understand the risks of experimenting with drugs, and caution them about situations and circumstances which can make them vulnerable to drugs abuse. The program tries to develop their immunity towards the 'let's try once' syndrome. Special preventive workshops, advocacy and counseling sessions are conducted in schools, colleges, workplaces and other institutional environments.
The program focuses on environmental sensitization, parenting and teaching skills and provides people with tools that help identify symptoms of children and youngsters who may be facing difficult situations that can often lead them to the consumption of drugs. The organization also forms liaison with industrial units to curtail the spread of drug and substance abuse in the workplace and educates medical and non-medical personnel about the problems of drug abuse.
Through self-awareness, these programs help people channelize their energy in the right direction, and this leads to a holistic improvement in society, which looks forward to a better tomorrow.