India is considered as the human resource bank of the world and the Indians have proved their mettle at the global center-stage. However, the prevailing ground level realities of the present day education system do not reflect a promising future for nurturing young potential. The availability and affordability of holistic education in India, which is easily accessible and helps build the character of students is a distant dream. Great amount of disparity exists because of privatization in education which has commercialized the system and only the wealthy can afford it. For the ones who are not fortunate, there is limited availability of qualified teachers and institutions that are willing to work hard and create a good education system for the underserved sections of society. In both the cases there is little focus on building individual character and augmenting the natural skills of students.
As a consequence, the population count includes large number of children who have never been to school, or those who have sought education but have opted to drop out due to various socio economic reasons.
Education Program of DJJS resolves to work in the following areas:
Provide education opportunities to out of school children
Nurturing excellence and promoting retention of children from weaker backgrounds
Focus on bu

Literacy for adults
DJJS is working through a non-formal education program by:
Setting up alternative education centers for never been to school children and school drop outs
Establishing tutorials for students of poor families
Clubbing academics and spiritual disciplines
The organization is working towards developing an education model based on self-discovery. So each student remains connected with the inner-self, and is able to productively focus and channelize his/her energy in realizing the inner potential. This enables them to decide the right career and righteous living for themselves, and tread successfully along that direction.